Posting rules on Watch Collecting
You will have seen our Terms and Conditions when you signed up to Watch Collecting. In addition to those terms, we have set out below some further rules for when you post content on our platform.
If you come across content that you consider inappropriate, in breach of these rules or if you feel you need moderator assistance, please contact [email protected]. All matters will be determined by Watch Collecting’s moderators.
These rules are in place for the safety and security of all users of Watch Collecting and to ensure the platform is a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone.
We will take action if these rules are broken. We reserve the right to remove content at our discretion, without explanation and without prior notification or warning.
If you still need help, please contact [email protected].
Posting Rules:
You must be at least 18 years old to have an account on Watch Collecting.
Do not post material that is illegal or could be deemed offensive, inflammatory or upsetting.
Do not post words, links, gifs or images which could be seen as offensive, unlawful towards any of the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010. Any form of racism will not be tolerated.
Any form of bullying will not be tolerated.
Do not post messages involving threats of or encouraging public fear, terrorist threats or threatening or abusive content towards Watch Collecting, its employees, moderators or other individuals. If you do it will be escalated to the relevant authorities.
It is illegal to post content that encourages self-harm or the suicide or attempted suicide of another person under the 1961 Suicide Act. Any such content will be removed, and you may be reported to the police.
Any activity involving underage sex, the grooming of children or distribution of child exploitation content (e.g., publishing illegal website links or posting illegal photos) or that is harmful to minors will be escalated to the relevant authorities.
Posting any images, gifs or clips of pornographic material is not permitted.
Do not openly share personal information of your own or that of others (e.g. address, phone number or email address).
Direct threats to someone with violence will not be tolerated and may be reported to the police.
Do not post content which could cause another reputational harm, or which could be deemed as libellous or defamatory in nature. To do so puts you at risk of legal action and Watch Collecting may be obliged by law to disclose your personal data to third parties.
Do not post comments that could affect the outcome of an upcoming or ongoing court case, whether criminal or civil.
Do not post links to sites that supply illegal material or encourage other unethical/illegal activity.
Do not post content for the purpose of advertising for personal or business gain. This includes posts about your own business, websites, blogs or social media channels.
Do not bypass or circumnavigate the site's swear filter. Do not post images or links to content that would not pass the site's swear filter.
Do not post any Not Safe For Work (NSFW) images, links, gifs, or clips.
Do not post any copyright-protected material without permission of the rightsholder.
Do not copy and paste content from newspapers, news sites or other websites. This is a breach of their copyright.
Do not post job adverts, regardless of whether you are recruiting or looking for work.
Do not spam or troll others.
You may not promote charity events; recruit for charitable donations, surveys or petitions; or seek votes for competitions.